The Senior Farewell: A Whirlwind of Excitement and Adventures.

Hello everyone, and welcome to my World! I trust that you’re all in high spirits, eagerly anticipating the upcoming summer vacation. The period from May to June was indeed a whirlwind of delightful activities in our school.

First in May was our much-anticipated senior trip to Club Getaway in Connecticut. Here, we challenged ourselves with a mammoth swing, donning a harness and helmet for safety. The thrilling process involved being hoisted up by a hook attached to the harness, then released at an unforeseen moment – a terrifying thought, isn’t it? I must admit, I was so petrified that I ended up shutting my eyes tight and screaming like a Monkey. Besides the swing, we also engaged in ziplining. Despite the height being bearable, the number of bugs in the ziplining and bungee jumping areas was quite unnerving. One memorable instance was when a large bumblebee decided to perch itself on the back of my shirt, which our teacher had to promptly shake off. Regrettably, the sunscreen we had on seemed to serve as an insect magnet rather than a deterrent! Nevertheless, we capped the day off with an electrifying dance party in the party house. With the lights out and disco lights pulsating, we jumped and grooved to the beats of popular tracks.

Fast-forwarding to June, our second main event was the Prom. It was an evening adorned with a variety of snacks and cakes, as well as music custom-picked by us from the DJ’s console. However, the DJ did add a personal touch towards the end by playing a self-curated playlist. The evening saw us capturing the moment with a Prom picture and engaging in playful banter with our friends. 

Another notable event that took place in June was the school BBQ. Originally intended to be an outdoor gathering, it had to be relocated indoors due to the Canadian wildfire. Despite the change in plans, we partook in a myriad of activities, including various sports, face painting, tattooing, and even a bounce house set up in the gym, among other engaging games. 

All in all, these were the experiences our school offered us, the seniors, as well as the lower grades, as we navigated through the ebbs and flows of these final, unforgettable months of our school journey. We truly did have the time of our lives.

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