…and what you can create in the time you spend scrolling mindlessly

So yesterday I was bored and I found myself an old shirt. It had a horse’s realistic face printed on it and flowers and leaves followed. Now the shirt was white and the flowers and leaves had no color so I painted them. It did take me 3 and a half hours to blend and coat color after color, deciding the colors but it was worth it because now I have a cool shirt to wear. You can do the same, find any old shirt or clothing and a bunch of fabric colors (paints or markers) and let your imagination take the wheel. 

I have some Play-Doh at home and thought of making something out of it. I sculpted a mushroom, a fox, and a few other items. They don’t have to be the best or big, you have to like them and create! You don’t need any special tools or special clay, just some Play-Doh!

One more thing I created was a colorful mood board. I just got a bunch of new markers and I wanted to use them so, I got my sketchbook and made some small scenes on one page, following little stars and moons to complement each one. You can do the same with paper and a few colors!

So enjoy 💗🦋😉🌼🪴

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