So let’s face it, Middle school is NOT like the movies, you DON’T get to race out of the classrooms, you don’t get a clean environment and overall people are not very nice to the point where it gets to you.

Now middle school is pretty good if you know how to handle sudden problems. I faced a lot of sudden problems in the past few months, for example, losing my favorite water bottle, or being called “INDIAN SCAMMER” though to be completely honest I don’t care, though I do care about my water bottle. 🙃

The REAL problem I faced was my life falling apart every 2 weeks, and spoiler alert, I don’t mean my life became pointless and dull,nah-uh never, it just fell out of place… For one week I would have a good time, and a good experience then for another 2 weeks everything slipped.

So to prevent that I always have a backup plan.  One essential thing I have learned because of middle school slaps is you can NEVER stick to one schedule, you will have to change some things around at some point, and it’s annoying, I know but sooner or later you get used to it. 

It did take me longer than expected but I got on track, my grades rose a lot and I started to get to know the rules and know the pattern I would slip and not repeat mistakes. Though this did not stop me from being me, it shouldn’t stop you either. 

My home schedule also changed and I got on track, I started to exercise again and had a good diet too. I study at home and extra tasks like reading books, journaling, and painting come last. 

Overall Middle school isn’t perfect and neither are you but never stop sharpening your blade. 

Some tips are…

  1. Have a basic skincare routine (TRUST ME, you don’t need fancy things just a small skincare leaves you relaxed and ready) 
  2. Do some self-study and reviews 
  3. Have a changeable schedule.
  4. Study your school’s study and program pattern so you don’t have to change anything suddenly.  

Don’t repeat mistake patterns, and fix them if you do 😉

I hope this helped all the people who started middle school, have a good day! 

See you on my next one 👍!

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